What is Reiki?
“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’, a term used to describe a natural system to help bring about an improved sense of wellbeing and a positive feeling of spiritual renewal. This tradition was founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system and benefits may include deep relaxation and the promotion of a calm peaceful sense of wellbeing.
The method of receiving a Reiki treatment from a practitioner is simple. Reiki is taught by Reiki Master/Teachers, who have trained in the tradition passed on, in person, from Master to student. Students go through a process of initiation/attunement to the Reiki energy. They are then able to treat themselves and others, not only from a personal and emotional perspective, but also as an aid to individual development and spiritual growth.
What happens during a treatment?
After a brief consultation, the method of receiving a Reiki treatment from a practitioner is simple. The recipient remains fully clothed and comfortably lies on a couch or sits on a chair. The practitioner gently places their hands non-intrusively, on or near the body. There is no massage or manipulation. It is also possible to receive Reiki at a distance.
How long is a treatment?
Treatments usually take around 45 minutes to an hour.
Where can I have a treatment?
Here at Craghead, near Stanley, DH96DZ. You can have a treatment in the comfort of your own home or place of work. There may be a small extra charge to cover fuel costs for home visits. Please note, home visits are suspended at the moment due to the current pandemic guidelines but will be reinstated as soon as the situation changes.
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+44 (0) 7990753300
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+44 (0) 7990753300
9 Shafto Terrace,
Craghead, Stanley,
Co Durham,
DH9 6DZ, UK.