The Reiki Jin Kei Do Ideals
Observe throughout the day, with all your effort, the arising of anger, then look deeper for its true cause.
Observe your mind throughout the day for the arising of worry and restlessness,
look deeper at their roots.
Be mindful, each moment of your day, appreciating the gift of life,
find the right livelihood for yourself and be honest in your work.
In your day, as you appreciate your life,
be kind to yourself and to all beings.
Your mind and body will truly transform with the power of Reiki,
practise daily,
connect to the universal nature of the mind,
and develop these Reiki Ideals every day.
These are the Usui Reiki Ideals as interpreted by Venerable Seiji Takamori and
Dr Ranga J Premaratna in the lineage of Reiki Jin Kei Do.